My relationship with music began when I first watched the 1989 movie "Batman." Even now, when I hear Danny Elfman's classic score, I have vivid childhood memories of sprinting around the block, my cape soaring behind me. This musical passion grew when I picked up a guitar at the age of twelve and began strumming around. But it was years later, during the dog days of college summers, when I began experimenting with music software. These trials gave me the opportunity to incorporate instruments I had never used, tying together intriguing sonic soundscapes and memorable melodies.
My journey thus far has had its fair share of victories and defeats, but through everything, I press on. The music I make comes from a very honest place in my heart, attesting to the gamut of human emotion. I hope, whatever season you're in, you can find joy or solace through what I create. Thank you a million times for listening.
Artist statement
The marriage of film and music captured my heart, like many, at a very young age. Not only does one art form enhance the other, but each creates its own language to communicate. It has been my primary goal to develop my own unique musical voice for cinema and use this language to enhance the viewers connection to film. Currently, I am working with multiple music production companies retained to write for film and commercials. Each new project I oversee and bring to completion gives me the opportunity to better understand musical principles in a harmonic and creative sense and develop my leadership skills among other creatives.